Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I'm so ready for spring!

I purged my closet again Monday and tossed alot of things. Idid that last fall and now I have to sew spring and summer fashions. All I could see was Black and Brown alittle Navy. Sicken I tell you, just sicken.

Yesterday I went to my stash and pulled out some knit and made this.
I know the skirt has black in it but the top don't. The top is V8305 that I omitted the zipper in. I really like and will do it again. But not in that fabric. That knit was like butter. But its nice when your finished.
I can not find anything I like in RTW or Fabric. Am I being pickie? Yes.
But I want color do you here me? COLOR.
Maybe its a age thing. Who knows.
I'm washing a piece of fabric now. But I'm going to be working on the smocked daygown that I took a class on. If you add in the cost of the class my gas to the class and my time this thing is a investment. I hope that child don't spit up on it.
It is only3 weeks before my trip to the Mountain Quilt Fest.
Oh, Boy!!!


Anonymous said...

Pam, it's a great-looking outfit, and I love the color. It's so cheerful! Is that the Maggy London poly/lycra from Fabric Mart made up in the skirt? I've got some of that and haven't had a plan for it. Yours looks great!

Anonymous said...

Pam, that is a cute outfit. Living in Walls, you should come to some of the sewing guilds in Memphis. We have several including a chapter of The American Sewing Guild. Your outfits and quilts are very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Pam. Nice blog of yours !
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